Primero, la pelicula me imagino que es en Africa pues porque hubieron piramides y prietos pero los protagonistas eran blancos (para mas decir parecian hispanos). La tribu era super primitiva y vivian en una montaña pero hablaban un ingles Americano PERFECTO. Tenian tambien en la pelicula los "primitivos tenian armas con las puntas como de bronze cuando que el bronze no se utilizaba por los humanos para esa epoca. Tambien note que para ser unas personas tan primitivas tenian la piel bastante suavisada y los dientes ooof ni que se diga (parese que tienen mejor plan dental que yo!). Para hacer el cuento corto le roban a la mujer a el protagonista y el chamaco parese que bajo desde las montañas de Europa hasta llegar a las junglas de Africa en 2 o 3 dias. Despues se encontro a una tribu de Africanos quien se fueron con el y cruzaron el desierto de Sahara en otro par de dias (sin tener ni agua potable ni comida ni nada) hasta llegar a Egipto. Alli estaban haciendo las piramides (que si mi profesior de historia no estaba equivocado las empezaron a construir 3000 o 4000 años BC y ademas tenian a los "wooly mamoths trabajando cuando que esos eran animales de norte america y para el norte de Russia no en africa). En verdad que los que se pusieron pa esta pelicula no estudiaron bien lo que iban a poner y tampoco les importo. Demasiada la fantasia y demasiada la falsedad. Yo comprendo que algunas pelicuals son puras aventuras pero me gusta ver cosas creibles. Star Trek y Star Wars es mas creible que esto! Anyways, dejenme saber que piensan ustedes mis blogadictos!
P.S. Yo debi de haberme imaginado que la pelicula seria una porqueria desde que presentaron a uno de los protagonistas como "Tic Tic".
Sabias que:
Most populations of the woolly mammoth in North America and Eurasia died out at the end of the last Ice Age. Until recently, it was generally assumed that the last woolly mammoths vanished from Europe and Southern Siberia about 10,000 BC, but new findings show that some were still present here about 8,000 BC. Only slightly later, the woolly mammoths also disappeared from continental Northern Siberia. Woolly mammoths as well as Columbian mammoths disappeared from the North American continent at the end of the ice age. A small population survived on St. Paul Island, Alaska, up until 6000 BC, and the small mammoths of Wrangel Island became extinct only around 2000 BC.
Al ver esta pelicula creiamos que fue firmada de Europa hasta Africa y America del Norte, pero no fue asi...esta pelicula fue filmada en
Queenstown, Otago, New Zealand
South Africa
Southland, New Zealand
Waiorau Snow Farm, Cadrona Valley, Wanaka, Otago, New Zealand
-18'long sabre tooth tigers didn't exist in this era - nor did mastodons - at least not in the areas depicted (Mesopotamia, northeast Africa)
-The terror birds that attacked in the forest lived in South America not Europe, Asia, or Africa.
-References are made to the "lead bull" of the mammoth herds. Modern day elephants as well as ancient mammoths and mastodons are and were headed by a matriarchal female leader. Bulls never lead the herd.
-Metalworking - first copper, then bronze, then iron - was not mastered before 5500 BC
- Exploitation of horses for human transportation started approximately 4000 BC
- The earliest pyramid was erected in Egypt circa 2630 BC
-Mammoths had never been domesticated as pack animals.
-Chilli Peppers. Originally from Central and South America. It's diffusion through the world was made by the Portuguese colonists and traders, throughout the Portuguese empire, during the 16th and 17th centuries AD.
-Corn is from America, and wasn't brought to the old world until the 16th century AD.
-Horses did not become domesticated by man until about 4000 years after the setting of this movie.
-The ships with the triangular sails did not appear until the 17th Century AD. Ships of this time were just crude log rafts or dug-out canoes.
-The lake in the background during the final scene is completely stationary, despite the prominent appearance of waves which, by their nature, cannot be still.
-When the leader of the African tribe is telling D'Leh about how his family was taken away, he calls out to his tribesman and you can clearly see a metal molar in his mouth.
-Toward the end of the movie inside the Almighty's palace, a scene showed maps printed on paper sitting on top of the table. Obviously paper wasn't invented until much later.
A lot of geographical, factual erros, revealing mistakes and anachronisms in one movie...Dont you think so?
Siuky: Los comentarios tuyos son pa' hacer un Blog, mira a ver si te animas, no quiero mas comentarios Queremos Blog. I'll be waiting. Animate. :lol:
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