1. I fell in love with a stranger! Then she stole $22.75 from me in quarters! Now i can't do my laundry!
2. No se que me pasa....3 criollas diaras estan dementemente raras!
3. El nuevo website de falo deberia ser soy.un.gordo.cabron.net/ypelobichos.mientras.te.hago.unatripleta
4. Soy yo o es que en Vega Baja hay gente fea con cojones?
5. Are butterflies just gay darg queen caterpillars?
6. Tengo ganas de rosiarle esto a alguien....quien se apunta?
7. Que dia mas bonito para cagarsele en la madre a alguien!
8. Es un pecado rascarse el escroto?
9. Life has no puprose but to live! That's it! People want to make things up but its simple.....you're born....you live.....you die!
10. Si graban blanquitos chingando en california es porno....si son negros en africa es national geographic....wtf? Este mundo esta cabron!
11. Los que te odian te atacan la espalda y alos que amas te atacan el pecho!
12. Empezamos la noche con besos y abrazos y terminamos a puño limpio esnu y mami separandonos! Esa fue la 1ra vez q trate de romperle el joyete
13. How is Tiger Woods Farting national news?
14. Tweeteando (puuuuuum ka pum ka puuuum ka pump ka!)
15. yo me comí un big mac mientras hechaba una criolla a la misma vez....isn't that cool??
16. Un viernes por la noche y yo sentau en calzoncillos en mi sala!! Wtf??
17. USA has become the land of the crying pussy! Everyone is so sensitive!!
18. Does anyone else text while shitting or is it just me??
19. Does anyone else text while shitting or is it just me??
20. Soy yo el unico sangano que se rie cuando ve un toilet marca toto?
21. I want to study abroad but my wifey thinks that broads are dirty!!
22. Some guy on the train said that Lil Wayne is the best rapper to ever live......um....dude! Seriously? Lil wayne is like mildly retarded!
23. Just saw on the news that transexuls are fighting for their rights. Does this means we have to respect chicks with dicks now?
24. Lou Ferrigno should write an autobiography called "From Big Green Monster to Worthless Sack of Shit: My Story"
25. What happens in vegas stays in vegas....unless its herpes!!! Stop.....think about it!
26. This morning my girl tells me she dreamed she was drinking a martini on a carribean beach. All I dreamed was I wasbeing chased by an ostrich
27. A priest called me a prick for telling him to leave me alone (he was asking for a donation) so I told him to fuck his holy mother! Ja!!
28. Me cago en na.....cuando mas pelao estoy es cuando me quieren vender cosas cheveres.....cuando tengo los chavos no aparese ningun tecato!
29. Just heard a gay dude say "I'm just a girl born with a penis..." um.....no mortherfucker...ur a faggity ass man!
30. Just heard a gay dude say "I'm just a girl born with a penis..." um.....no mortherfucker...ur a faggity ass man!
31. el jefe mio está encabronao hoy porque uno de los empleados estaba en el baño hueliendo perico.....con su hijo!
32. Isn't it ironic that there is a sunscreen called "banana boat" when ppl in banana boats can't afford sunscreen!
33. It's lonely at the top....but DAMN its crowded at the bottom!
34. Michael Jackson and I were very close. When Joe beat him i felt like he was beating us together! We had that connection, yo!
35. When I get home I'm gonna be Bad and Beat It while looking at the Man in the Mirror....its gonna be a Thriller!
36. yo dure 2 años de mi adolescencia enamorau de una africana mas negra q un beso en el culo!