25. American Gangster
23. Ali
22. Raging Bull
21. The Shining
20. Armaggedon
19. The Profesional
18. The Shawshank Redemption
17. Innocent Voices (Voces Inocentes)
15. Ray
14. Training Day
13. The Green Mile
12. Ghost
11. Saving Private Ryan
10. The Last King of Scotland
9. Donnie Brasco
8. Silence of the Lambs
7. The Exorcist
6. Goodfellas
5. The Last Samurai
4. The Departed
3. City of God
2. the Count of Monte Cristo
1. Scarface
Ahi esta la lista de mis peliculas favoritas (aunque mi mujercita me diga que la mitad son 'boring')!!!
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