Monday, July 6, 2009

RIP Johnny "Korona" Pimentel

"Yo dude, why haven't you called me in like 2 days man?" Those were the words I would hear if i didn't call Johnny. He was the type of guy to worry about his friends. If I was ever down he would always found a way to make me laugh. Johnny at times was my music producer....sometimes he was my let's-go-to-a-bar-and-watch-the-celtics buddy.....and other times he was my "lets go to the gym man....i need to get big" partner. But one thing is that he was more than just a friend to me. He was like a brother.

It seems surreal to me to think that such an active figure in my life is gone in the blink of an eye. I can't stop thinking about the endles nights of us recording in his bedroom. I can't stop thinking about the times we got on stage and put on a show together. When my son was born he was one of the first friends to show up to meet him. And when I was feeling down, I knew that he was the best person to go to if I ever needed a person to listen to me and all I keep thinking is "who can I turn to right now?"

My heart is hurting today because of the loss of my duo, my producer, my friend, my brother..... Johnny "Korona" Pimentel. I love you man!


Vlade said...

Diablo, badtrip brother, se lo que es perder un pana. Que En Paz Descance.

Coqueta said...

Siento de todo corazon la tristeza por la cual estas pasando, y sabes que aqui estoy para todo lo que necesites. Se me desgarro el alma cuando me diste la noticia de que Johnny, Korona, habia muerto, por que es un joven hombre, positivo, con una vision clara de su futuro y en un momento de mal enfoque, simplemente ya no esta.

Pero mas me dule verte llorar, por tu hermanito. Senti que por un instante mi espiritu se iba de mi cuerpo cuando te vi envuelto en tanto dolor, como le "reclamabas" a Dios por tu amigo, como ya casi perdiendo las fuerzas tus rodillas querian tocar el piso.

Tus lagrimas tocaron mi hombro y te senti nino, indefenso, "porque se me van todos mis amigos, tan jovenes..?" aun no se que responderte con certeza, solo me acuerdo haberte dicho, BAD CHOICES.

Cuenta conmigo...
Un beso Mi Amor, Mi Orgullo...

Nerdote said...

Diache badtrip brother. Sé como se siente perder a alguien tan cerca a uno. Ya pasó a una mejor vida y nosotros nos quedamos en este cagaero.


Nerdote said...

Diache badtrip brother. Sé como se siente perder a alguien tan cerca a uno. Ya pasó a una mejor vida y nosotros nos quedamos en este cagaero.