Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Did You Know?

"Mike Lowell became only the second player of Puerto Rican decent to be named the World Series MVP. The first was Pirates Hall of Fame outfielder Roberto Clemente."

~Today's Metro (Boston)~

Monday, November 19, 2007


"Mi esposa y yo fuimos felizes muchos años...hmm...como veinte....y despues nos conocimos"
~un viejo loco en el supermercado~

Feliz Cumpleaños Mami

Noviembre 19, 2007


Un dia como hoy (no voy a decir cuantos años atras por cuestiones de seguridad de mi persona) nacio la mujer que me regalo la vida.

Happy Birthday Mommy

Quisas no soy un super millonario que te pueda regalar una casa o un Mercedes Benz pero si te puedo brindar algo que todo el dinero del mundo jamas te podria comprar. Eso es el amor incondicional de un hijo a una madre.

Me cargastes en el vientre 9 meses (mas o menos) y nunca me abandonastes. Nunca supe lo que era pasar hambres extremadas porque mucho o poco siempre tuve algo que comer. Cualquier regalo que puedo yo darte no se compara con lo que me has dado tu.


Con eso dicho...vamos a ver que cosas an pasado en este dia en la historia del mundo...

1493 - Christopher Columbus goes ashore on an island he first saw the day before. He names it San Juan Bautista (later renamed Puerto Rico). Interesante)

1794 - The United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain sign Jay's Treaty, which attempts to clear up some of the lingering problems left over from the American Revolutionary War.

1816 - Warsaw University is established.

1847 - The second Canadian railway line, the Montreal and Lachine Railway, is opened.

1850 - Alfred Lord Tennyson becomes Poet Laureate, a position he held until his death in 1892.
Address at the military cemetery dedication ceremony at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

1881 - A meteorite lands near the village of Großliebenthal, southwest of Odessa, Ukraine.

1916 - Samuel Goldwyn and Edgar Selwyn establish Goldwyn Pictures (the company later became one of the most successful independent filmmakers).

1924 - In Los Angeles, California, famous silent film director Thomas Ince ("The Father of the Western") dies of a heart attack in his bed (beliefs still persist that he was murdered).

1941 - World War II: Battle between HMAS Sydney and HSK Kormoran. The two ships sink each other off the coast of Western Australia, with the loss of 645 Australians and about 77 German seamen.

1942 - World War II: Battle of Stalingrad - Soviet Union forces under General Georgy Zhukov launch the Operation Uranus counterattacks at Stalingrad, turning the tide of the battle in the USSR's favor.

1944 - World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces the 6th War Loan Drive, aimed at selling $14 billion USD in war bonds to help pay for the war effort.

1950 - US General Eisenhower becomes supreme commander of NATO-Europe

1955 - National Review publishes its first issue.

1959 - Ford Motor Company announces the discontinuation of the unpopular Edsel.

1961 - Michael Rockefeller, son of New York governor Nelson Rockefeller, disappears in the jungles near Atsj, Papua New Guinea.

1967 - The establishment of TVB, the first wireless commercial television station in Hong Kong.

1969 - Apollo program: Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean land at Oceanus Procellarum ("Ocean of Storms") and become the third and fourth humans to walk on the Moon.

1969 - Pelé scores his 1000th goal playing for Santos Futebol Clube against Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama, leading to a 2-1 victory.

1969 - Mohawk Airlines Flight 411 crashes into Pilot Knob Mountain, killing all 14 on-board.

1970 - The IBM 1620 is withdrawn from the market.

1973 - American football player Lance Rentzel is arrested for exposing himself to a 10-year-old girl; he is later sentenced to five years' probation.

1976 - Jaime Ornelas Camacho takes office as the first President of the Regional Government of Madeira, Portugal.

1977 - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat becomes the first Arab leader to officially visit Israel, when he meets with Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin and speaks before the Knesset in Jerusalem, seeking a permanent peace settlement.

1977 - Transportes Aereos Portugueses Boeing 727 crashes in Madeira islands killing 130.

1979 - Iran hostage crisis: Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini orders the release of 13 female and black American hostages being held at the US Embassy in Tehran.

1984 - A series of explosions at the PEMEX petroleum storage facility at San Juan Ixhuatepec in Mexico City ignites a major fire and kills about 500 people.

1985 - Cold War: In Geneva, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev meet for the first time.

1985 - Pennzoil wins a $10.53 billion USD verdict against Texaco, in the largest civil verdict in the history of the United States, stemming from Texaco executing a contract to buy Getty Oil after Pennzoil had entered into an unsigned, yet still binding, buyout contract with Getty.

1990 - Pop group Milli Vanilli are stripped of their Grammy Award because the duo did not sing at all on the Girl You Know It’s True album. Session musicians had provided all the vocals. (y pensar que este grupo te gustaba.jaja)

1994 - In Great Britain, the first National Lottery draw is held. A £1 ticket gave a one-in-14-million chance of correctly guessing the winning six out of 49 numbers.

1996 - The case of the Port Arthur massacre comes to trial.

1996 - Lt. Gen. Maurice Baril of Canada arrives in Africa to lead a multi-national policing force in Zaire.

1997 - In Des Moines, Iowa, Bobbi McCaughey gives birth to septuplets in the second known case where all seven babies were born alive. They would go on to become the first set of septuplets to survive infancy, with all seven alive in 2007.

1998 - Vincent van Gogh's Portrait of the Artist Without Beard sells at auction for $71.5 million USD.

1999 - In Istanbul, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ends a two-day summit by calling for a political settlement in Chechnya and adopting a Charter for European Security.
Above info courtesy of wikipedia.org!!! (dar credito donde credito merita!)
Espero que tu dia estuvi lleno de felizidad, paz, y amor...te amo mami.

Quote of the moment.


Friday, November 16, 2007

Vocabulario Boricua

Son muchas las personas que me preguntan "que significa eso" cada vez que les hablo en mi vocabulario callejero Boricua...aqui les tengo un mini diccionaro pa' que dejen de estar preguntando tanto!!!

· A Fuego, A Fueguillo: Algo "cool".
· Acapella: Cantar sin música ,Cantar sin beats (líricas solas). Tener sexo sin proteccion
· Acicalao o filoteao: Con el pelo recién cortado, y bien vestido. Bien puesto.
· Aka: nombre de una pistola en ingles (ie. AK 47)
· Al Callao: Se dice esto para que el publico se agite y haga ruido
· Al Garete: A lo loco, sin control.
· Alicate: Alguien que es utilizado males: Un tonto que lo utiliza cualquiera
· Arrebatao: En la cima por efecto de drogas.
· Babilla: Coraje, valor, cojones.
· Backeo: Respaldo (back up). Cuando tienes colegas, que te respaldan.
· Bananas: no la fruta, sino algo bien chévere.
. Basofia: (ver Guasa)
· Bellaco/a: Persona que desea tener sexo.
· Bicho: Parte sexual del hombre.
· Blin Blin: Joyas, lujos, cadenas, pulseras, sortijas, brillantes.
· Blinblineo: Prendas costosas, lujos. Guille (de Guillarse). Ponerte muchas prendas y andar guillao!
· Buduska: chica gorda.
· Bugarron: el macho en una pareja de homosexuales masculinos.
· Burlish: Quedar burlado.
· Buster ('Bostel'): De Boss-Ter. Jefe de un punto de venta de drogas o el backeo (respaldo de alguien). Alguien a quien le pagas para que mate.
· Cabezear: el acto de sexo oral ("give head").
· Camón: persona que de tantas relaciones sexuales esta vira.
· Cangri: Se dice de persona que esta bien rankiao, que es jefe, que es mafia. Persona atractiva o estar bien vestido ("te ves cangri"). Y estar fuerte como Hulk.
· Charro: Ridículo.
· Choca: pensar mucho en algo.
· Chocha – Órgano sexual femenino.
· Cicario O Gatillero: Asesino a sueldo, killer , hit man. Una persona popular.
· Clavar O Puyar: acción de tener sexo.
· Cocolo: negro afroamericano.
· Cónsul: Es el mejor amigo.
· Corbeja: Puta, Parga, Ingra, Geisha.
· Corillo: grupo de amigos que siempre andan juntos.
· Cuero: puta.
· Dembow: Éste tipo de música (reggaeton) El Ritmo.
· El Perro: el SIDA, AIDS.
· Feca: Mentira.
· Flow: Estilo. Corriente, electricidad en el cuerpo al bailar
· Frontear: Caminar como si tu mandaras. Aparentar lo que no eres.
· Fuetazo: Golpe, relacionado con el instrumento del jinete para azotar al caballo.
· Gangster ('Gangtel'): Mafioso
· Gato(a): Muchacho(a).
· Girlas ('Guirlas'): Chicas.
· Guasa: Mentira o falsedad. Que habla mucho y luego no hace nada. Otro nombre para la tecata (heroina)
· Guayando: Bailar bien pegado, rozando.
· Guillaera: Actitud. Con autoestima alta.
· Guillao: Creerse que es algo que no es, creerse que es mucho.
· Inyectando: Diciendo cosas para provocar a otra persona, lo mismo que tirarse.
· Ir a to'a: tirarse hasta las ultimas consecuencias.
· Janguear: "Hanging out" en ingles, salir, pasear con el corillo. Tambien conocido como 'la janga'
· Jibaro: campesino, alguien del campo que no esta al tanto de la moda (charro).
· Liga(no dan liga): no dar competensia.
· Mai: Mamita, Madre, amiga, etc.
· Masacote: Pene grande. Musica bien buena. Nalgas bien grandes (atractivas no gordas)
· Medio Posillo: cuando se tira lírica a medias (que solo es un pedazo o muestra).
· Melones / limones: senos grandes / senos chiquitos.
· Nebula o nebuloso: algo extraño, que no esta claro, no aparentar de confianza; (chica nebulosa), shady, que se trae algo entre manos.
· Pasto: Marihuana.
· Patrulleo: Velar, observar, montado en un coche con los cristales tintados
· Pegado: ser famoso en el genero.
· Perrear: Bailar reggaeton.
· Perreo: Baile muy sensual, bien bellaco, normalmente el chico detrás de la chica, y ésta rozándole con su trasero sensualmente.
· Pichaera: Cuando tratas de hablar con alguien y la otra persona te ignora, ni siquiera te presta atención.
· Pichear pa' loco: Hacerse el loco, desentenderse.
· Plasta: un cantante que no sirve.
· Popos: policias que le hacen la vida imposible a uno.
· Rankea'o(a): ser persona de gran respeto en el genero.
· Rasta: en la calle - ser bien reggae.
· Rebuleo: Pelea o discusión.
· Relajando: Jodiendo, Vasilando, tripeando.
· Sandungueo: Ritmo con dembow.
· Sandunguero: Persona que baila reggaeton.
· Sata: Prostituta
· Sin Cojones Me Tiene: No me interesa, me importa muy poco.
· Socio: Oponente, enemigo, pero también se traduce como mejor amigo o compañero, que bregan al palo (que se tratan bien).
· Sopla pote es el dueño del masacote: lame penes
· Sopla pote: Sopla pollas, tonto, mamón (pinga en Puerto Rico)
· Suelto(a) como gabete: Estar dispuesto a todo, que pueden tener sexo fácil con él/ella
· Tiraera: Guerra lirica (ataque verbal musical).
· Tirarse: Lanzarse, enamorarse. O de hombre a hombre tirarse es hablarse como si estuvieran peleando.
· Trambo: (trambuqueo) un truco, trampa o pescao, engaño.
· Trilli: algo fácil, coger algún caso sin miedo de que algo malo pase.
· Tripear: "tripping" en ingles, relajando, etc.
· Va Sin Jockey: Va sin novio, está soltera. Va en mision para buscarse un macho.
· Yales: Mujeres

Ahora bien corillo....espero que con esto se queden chillin y ya dejen de preguntarme "que quiere decir..."

Quizas eres Boricua si...

La foto que ven ahi es el famoso Parque de Bombas en mi bella ciudad de Ponce, Puerto Rico!!

Quizas Eres Boricua Si...

* te acuerdas de los pantalones "tubitain", te has puesto una "chalina" con un "flu"
* todo lo bueno es "chévere" o esta "McKein"
* sabes lo que es una "pisicorre"
* el frio intenso para ti es "pelú"
* tu carro tiene "bompers," "mofle," "estarter", "tapabocinas", "espoilers" y "tintedglass"
* te han llamado o has llamado a alguien "Cocolo" o "Embelequero"
* te gusta oir la musica de "vellonera"
* tus amigos son tus "panas"
* un lio para ti es un "peo", un "sal-pa-fuera", un "descojon" o un "revolú"
* has ido a una fiesta que terminó como el "rosario de la aurora"
* sabes lo que es un "echón"
* llevaste a la escuela tu merienda en una "lonchera"
* has hecho o volado "chiringas"
* sabes que un "gallito" tiene un cordón y se "planta"
* sabes lo que es una "jalda"
* cuando te enfermas te ves "más jalao que un timbre de guagua"
* sabes que "fogón" es otro nombre para el horno pero "enfogonao" es estar bien molesto
* sabes que la velocidad se mide en millas, la distancia en kilómetros, los solares en metros, las fincas en cuerdas, la estatura en pies y pulgadas, la temperatura en grados farenheit pero la fiebre se mide en grados centigrados
* cuando no tienes dinero estás "más pelao que un chucho"
* sabes que cuando alguien muere, "las enlía" o "se lo lleva Pateco"
* cuando no consigues pareja estas "arrollao" y te sientes "como el Cabro e' Minga" o "como gato que lambe aceite"
* lo que es dificil "no es ninguna cáscara de coco", ni un "pellizco e' ñoco" o un "tostón"
* ...y lo que es facil es un "mamey"
* si alguien tiene mucha suerte es un "chivú" o un "lechú"
* has bailado "en una "loseta" en un "party" de marquesina
* llamas "armastrote" a algo bien grande
* te has dado baños de alcoholado pa'bajar la fiebre o te han untado Vicks en frente, pecho y cuello
* te acuerdas de la "pesetita voladora"
* sabes lo que es una "mixta" y lo que es un "tripleta"
* hiciste "drogas" o "bates" para copiarte en un examen
* sabes lo que era el "ancón de Loiza"
* te has montado en las lanchas de Cataño
* corriste "bigwil" y "velocipedo"
* te acuerdas de la "Chinita PAL", la "Sunny Isle", la Kola y Limonada de la Santurce Soda Water y los refrescos "VITA" de Mayaguez
* los zapatos grandes son "bodrogos" para ti
* sabes que una "bomba" pueder ser un baile, no tan sólo algo que explota
* sabes lo que es "apestillarse" y tener un "coco" con alguien
* sabes que significa coger a alguien de "mango bajito"
* entiendes lo que es cagarse "en diez"
* usas "chancletas"
* te "enñangotas" para bajarte
* sabes lo que es el pelo "grifo"
* sabes que "comer jobo" es faltar a la escuela
* te has "empachao"
* pides una "ñapita"
* sabes quién es como el "morivivi"
* sabes lo que es un "gruño" y un "fifí"
* sabes que en San Juan, Puerta de Tierra, Miramar, Santurce, Hato Rey y Rio Piedras se localizan los sitios por las "paradas"
* te has "cagado en la ospera"
* sabes que una "serenata" se puede comer
* sabes que son "lerenes" "morcillas", "alcapurrias", "bacalaitos", "tostones" "gandinga" "cuajitos" y "chicharrones"
* sabes la diferencia entre el "pan de agua" y el "pan sobao"
* sabes lo que es "pasarse un blower" y tener el pelo como "pepa'e jobo"
* lo que es cambiar chinas por botellas"
* sabes que la ciudad de los cacos es Carolina
* sabes que "todos los caminos conducen" a una cancha de un pueblo cercano donde el "Invader" va a dar "hasta la ultima gota de sangre"
*te recuerdas de "Chona la puerca asesina"!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


In my opinion...opinions come packaged like jelly beans...a dime a dozen. Now a days, i think, people truly believe that they need to let the world know their opinions on things they know absolutely nothing about. Also, they want to let us know their opinions on things that they really have no business...if a cared id read their blogs, right? haha...On top of that they offer these opinions free of charge...of course! Sure, some peoples opinions matter a whole lot and are really important to some of us but, for the most part, a huge chunk of us "normal" people really don't like it when casual associates along with perfect strangers want to be opinionated on our lives. Even those that are pretty close to us feel a certain need to let us know what they think about us when "things" are not going up to their perfect standards!
I understand that we all tend to be opinionated. That really isn't my problem. That isn't really what ticks me off. The problem here is WHO you decide to share these opinions with. Sure...in my opinion... my next door neighbor is a complete idiot for letting his ex-girlfriend move back in with him (the same girlfriend who decided to break every window on his car because he wouldn't pick up his socks from the bathroom floor) but who am I to ruin a puff puff give session by saying "dude, you shoulda not let that bla bla bla....and in my opinion bla bla bla"
Okay then...off to my point. Why am I really writing this blog? Well ...the person who I beleive is the only person who should be able to give me her opinion without me having to ask her is my wife (and no its not because im afraid of not getting none). I truly belive that the person who you decided to spend the rest of your life with...til death (or divorce) do us part...should be able to bitch & moan to you about anything that is on their minds. With that said i beleive that mother-in-laws, siblings, cousins, distant relatives, friends, best friends, associates, doctors (unless its about my health), lawyers (just keep be out of them orange jumpsuits), priests, etc, should just SHUT THE FUCK UP! If i really wanted your opinion I'll tell you what I want to hear before you say it! I really don't care what you think about the decisions in my life. I really don't give a shit what you think.
I had my wisdom teeth taken out last friday (all four of them). I have been on nothing but soup and oatmeal for the past five days. After the effects of my sweet sweet vicodins kicked in this morning I sat back in my desk at work and thought to myself...hmmm...for all my pain and suffering today, I deserve I big hearty breakfast. After all...I was HUNGRY AS HELL!!! I get up fro my cubicle happy as can be (I'm on vicodin!) and I make my way down to the deli on the second floor of the building I work in. After a careful consideration process of 3 seconds I decided on a steak and eggs breakfast (my favourite). I have been through all this shit and I deserved it! I bullshit with the deli workers, as usual, until my breakfast is served and I pay for it. Before you can say PAIN KILLER I'm back in my cubicle with my breakfast waiting for me. I'm halfway through my breakfast when a cheapish voice cuts my meal's content right in half.
"You're eating steak? You must be crazy!"
It's my neighbor to the right (which in my opinion could be shamoo's twin sister but do i say so?? NOO!) She must think that we are friends or something because she likes to tell me what she thinks about every aspect of everything I do. She must think that people with no wisdom teeth must eat mush for the rest of their natural lives. It made me furious to think that she would even think to say anything about my food...or my meal...or anything at all to me. Who the hell asked her for her opinion? This fucker weighs as much as a pubecent hippo and I should be the one watching what I eat? Honestly I was so unhappy with tho whole situation that i prayed to God that he would send a giant bird from the heavens to shit all over her. Unfortunate for me He never sent the bird.
The point of this blog, again, is this...if you have an opinion on other peoples lives and have no significant other who you can gossip with either BLOG about it on myspace or SHUT THE FUCK UP! No one cares what you think! Your opinion means as much as your life which means shit to me! Please...no more opinions!! Thanks!!!

Mi Hijo

please click to enlarge.....

Quote of the moment.

"Cuidame, Dios mio, de mis amigos...que de mis enemigos me cuido yo"

-Hector 'el Father'-