Showing posts with label Jonmicol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jonmicol. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ladies First....

This morning I came out of the train and up the stairs. When I was ready to get out of the station I let Siukey out first because of the unwritten rule of "Ladies First". But then I got to thinking...hmmm...why is this a rule? I figured it out. My theory is that it traces back to cave men times. Men used to say "Ladies First" and let the woman into the cave first just in case there was a bear waiting inside then the bear would eat her first. Hence the rule....Ladies First....

So time a man says ladies first...remember hwere and why it comes from!!! Je je je!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Fotos de mi fin de semana...

Aqui estan los rizos del cabello de Siukey

Aqui esta el bling bling de Siukey

Aqui esta Siukey

...hmmm como que mi fin de semana tuvo mucho que ver que esta tal Siukey...

Mi familia!!

En verdad que este fin de semana la pase super bien junto a mi familia!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Despues del paryseo....

Asi es que termino yo una jeje...esta foto la tome el fin de semana pasado despues de mi noche de gala....claro, fue muuuucho despues de la noche de gala haber terminado ya que me fui de rumba por ahi.....note bad eh....he he he